A Path to Success in Recovery

IPRP Day Program

Peers Helping Peers in Recovery.

Bridging the Gap Between Treatment & recovery.

(IPRP) Intensive Peer Recovery Program is a peer support service day program developed to bridge and transition individuals from clinical care into a recovery community organization by utilizing peer support groups and peer case management.  

The program will educate individuals not only about recovery but will help them develop the integral life skills needed in order to fully assimilate into a sober social environment. Trained Peers in Recovery facilitate individual and group skill sessions throughout the four day program.

Our Schedule

How the IPRP Day Program Works

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IPRP Program Curriculum

How It Works

Community Fellowship & Support

“It takes a village”, the very popular yet profound proverb holds true to recovery. It is difficult to do this on your own. That is why it is important to develop a recovery support team. IPRP has a direct line, a connection to the most successful Recovery Community, HealingUS. Each week members meet together for self-help meetings, community givebacks, speaker meetings, social activities, and more.

Honesty & Accountability

Honesty is one of the most fundamental pillars of character and usually the first trait to dissolve in the wake of addiction. When one recovers, redeveloping this trait takes time and does not always go smoothly. The C.H.O.I.C.E model has built-in opportunities to develop honesty through accountability and practice. This is done with volunteerism, self and peer reflection, recovery planning, drug testing and family meetings.

Recovery Planning

Make things happen. Each week clients will sit privately with a recovery coach to create a Wellness Recovery Action Plan or WRAP. This plan will change over time but clients can track their progress throughout their stay with IPRP and HealingUS. Each member receives a binder upon graduation with notes from their recovery coaches, the program director, the WRAP plan, and any resources surrounding the goals of their plans.

Choice Making & Emotional Intelligence

Increasing one's emotional intelligence also means developing emotional awareness. In order to start making rational choices, we must learn how our current beliefs are affecting our emotions. This can only be done when we learn to identify these emotions and develop the ability to regulate them with our thoughts or beliefs. Thoughts control emotions and emotions control behaviors. Each day there is an hour-long meeting to develop these skills.

Confidence & Motivation

We know that there is more than one way to recover. Knowledge is power and it is easy to feel powerless when you feel you are out of options. When one has a vast knowledge of the different tools that each pathway delivers, the chances of long-term recovery increase dramatically. Each day members learn new skills through the use of 12-step, Refuge Recovery, Recovery 2.0, and SMART recovery. In addition, a spiritual guru ends the week with a guided meditation and a focus on centering oneself utilizing deep-breathing exercises.

Life-Skills & Motivational Planning

Life skills are essential for not only developing an independent lifestyle but also to gain confidence in one's own ability. If we do not believe we can recover it is hard for us to take action. Every day there is an hour-long meeting about a different life skill. Each meeting incorporates discussion and specific examples of the essential life skills necessary in early recovery.

 Members of IPRP who are in need of treatment services ranging from detox to SUD treatment services, mental health treatment, and/or sober living will work with the peer case managers to secure the appropriate treatment services. This is not a clinical treatment program and does not serve as a substitute for such services.

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