Safe and supportive sober living homes in Monmouth & Ocean County

Our Mission is to serve the community by providing an exceptional sober living environment above industry standards for individuals making a transition from addiction to recovery.  


Safe & Affordable

To provide safe, sober and affordable housing for men and women desiring to stop using drugs and alcohol and make a transition from addiction to recovery.

  • Security cameras and key pad entry
  • Weekly Laboratory Drug Testing
  • Recovery Coaches on call
  • Peer Leadership & Support

Individual Growth

To encourage and assist residents to become and remain financially self-sufficient through gainful employment.

  • Accountability & Monitoring
  • Multiple Pathway Meetings
  • Life Skills

Cultivate Passion

Most importantly to help and encourage our residents to find joy in their new life and cultivate passion in everything they do.

  • Sober Social Community & Activities
  • Volunteer Opportunities

Our Purpose

Our Mission is to serve the community by providing an exceptional sober living environment above industry standards for individuals making a transition from addiction to recovery.

CFC Recovery Homes opened in January 2015 in Monmouth and Ocean County, New Jersey. CFC Recovery Homes were created as a perfect model for long term recovery that assists residents to become and remain financially self-sufficient through gainful employment and to build a strong peer support system. CFC Recovery Homes are New Jersey Licensed Structured Living.

B-Pure, B-Independent, B-Passionate, and B-Yourself.


  1. To provide safe, sober and affordable housing for men and women desiring to stop using drugs and alcohol and make a transition from addiction to recovery.

  2. To encourage and assist residents to become and remain financially self-sufficient through gainful employment. Provide residents with career and internship opportunities through community outreach at the local Chamber of Commerce.

  3. Most importantly, to help and encourage residents to find joy in their new life and cultivate passion in everything they do. Teach them to love themselves and work with others by building a new family and strong peer support system.

Our Rules & Regulations

Any damage to the physical residence and/or operating systems of residence caused by negligence of residents will be charged and divided amongst residents currently living on premise.

House Rules
  1. Zero Tolerance for drug, alcohol or mind altering substance use. (No engaging in illegal substance manufacturing, possession and/or distribution will be tolerated) Residents will remain clean, sober and honest.Failure to maintain sobriety will result in immediate expulsion from property.

  2. Zero Tolerance for abusive behavior, threats of violence, obscene gestures or verbal/ physical confrontations with any resident or staff.

  3. Zero Tolerance for destruction of CFC Recovery House or other residents property. This includes improper use of toiletries such as tampons, baby wipes and other non flushable items. If a resident is caught using these items and flushing them down the toilet it is an automatic $300 fine. If damage happens to the residence, damage costs will be billed to the person who caused the damage or will be split among all house members. 

  4. Zero Tolerance for sexual activity between residents.  

  5. Any resident prescribed medications must inform the acting President, all medication must be approved. All medications must be taken as prescribed.

  6. As a member of the recovery community, based on principles of honesty, trust and integrity, you are a part of creating a safe sober environment. We request that if a resident sees another resident violate rules to please report these violations to the President  immediately. If violation goes unreported, you will be considered guilty by association. 

  7. Residents should make contact with their designated Recovery Coaches – available by request. 

  8. Smoking is not permitted inside the residence. Porch and outdoor area ash trays must be used at all times and cleaned regularly. 

  9. All new residents will have a 30 day blackout period; 9 PM curfew (Unless work obligations).

  10. When a drug test is requested from a resident, the resident must take the test immediately without leaving the sight of the administrating officer.

  11. Guests are only allowed during visiting hours and never allowed into bedrooms. Visiting hours are 10AM-10PM from Sunday-Thursday, 10AM-11PM Friday and Saturday. 

  12.  If visitors are engaging in dangerous behaviors such as use or sale of illicit substances, they can be asked to leave the property.

  13. Residents must complete daily chores by 8 PM.

  14. Residents must be awake by no later than 9 AM on weekdays, 12 PM on weekends.

  15. Residents must attend and participate in the House meeting deemed per house.

  16. Residents must check in and out of the house.

  17. Residents must participate in daily chores.

  18. Must find employment within 14 days or be enrolled in school or volunteering.

  19. Residents will refrain from engaging in gambleing activities

  20. Residents understand that pornographic materials are not allowed in residences this includes but is not limited too internet pornography, magazines, video materials, ect.

  21. Computers and other electronics are allowed at CFC Recovery Houses. Residents must understand they must conduct activities on these devices appropriately and that CFC Recovery House officers can inspect these devices at any time.

  22. Must pass urine screening upon arrival. 


First 30 Days of Residence: 9pm Weekdays | 10pm Weekends

31 Days to 60 Days of Residence: 10pm Weekdays | 11pm Weekends

61 Days till End of Residence: 11pm Weekdays | 12pm Weekends

If for any reason a resident needs an extension on their curfew they MUST contact the President for permission. If a resident does not ask permission and stays out past curfew – it is grounds for expulsion. Officers have the right to change an individual’s curfew for safety reasons, probationary status or other reasons considered necessary with an 80% majority vote.

Permissions / Policy


You are not allowed to remove or move any of the furniture of fixings from the house or from room to room without permission. Personal property will be disposed of after 10 days of discharge, if not collected prior.


CFC Recovery House reserves the right to inspect and/or search all living spaces, including but not limited to bedrooms, common areas and vehicles for contraband; in order to maintain the wellbeing of all residents of the household. CFC Recovery House officers conduct random searches through physical inspection and observation as well as K-9 inspections.  CFC Recovery House reserves the right to confiscate, dispose or report to authorities contraband items found in these inspections/ searches. Contraband includes but is not limited too; drug paraphernalia, drugs and/or alcohol, pornography, prescription medications and weapons.


Prescription narcotic medications are not permitted atCFC Recovery Houses. All other medications are allowed only if they are prescribed to you by a doctor and are taken as prescribed. Medications are not shared with any other resident of the house. Residents are responsible for taking their own medications. Residents must inform the acting President of all medications prescribed upon intake.


If a resident has 90 days of membership, they are permitted to stay out overnight once a month. Overnight passes can be filled out online at, and or hard copy applications handed into the President. Form must be reviewed and approved by officers.

The request will then be sent to the office for final approval.

What to Bring

Once your application is accepted and the interview process has been completed, B House Staff Members will approve your move in date.

Here is what you will need to bring: 

  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • Sneakers
  • Coat
  • Personal Hygiene Items
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste
  • Body wash
  • Hair brush
  • Deodorant
  • Razor/shave cream
  • Sanitary items
  • Laundry detergent

*You are responsible for all personal food items.

B Houses LLC. will provide all bed linens, pillows, blankets and towels.


For a CFC Recovery House to run successfully on a democratic basis, it must have certain elected officers. It is part of the CFC Recovery House tradition to make sure that officers do not become so entrenched that other members of the house do not have an equal voice in its management. Therefore, no officer shall serve longer than six months in the same office for one continuous period of time. All Houses generally have the following elected officers:

The election of both a treasurer and controller emphasizes the importance each CFC Recovery House places on money management. The two officers are able to divide rent collection and help each other with the payment of bills. Houses elect a “Coordinator” to help schedule daily and weekly work details to keep the house clean – inside and outside. The election of officers is necessary because they provide the leadership for the House to work well. The officers can serve continuously for only six months in any particular office, i.e. after an intervening six-month period an individual can be re-elected to an office in which he or she has already served.

Weekly House Meetings

It is important to have a House meeting at least once a week. After some experimenting, a CFC Recovery House will find the particular hour or half-hour, which is the most convenient for most of its members.

A meeting should be used to: 

  • Report on the current financial status of the House
  • Consider new applications for membership
  • Resolve any problem affecting members in the House
  • Resolve general complaints about maintenance of the House
  • Consider proposals or projects to be undertaken by the House

Community Resources

CFC Recovery Houses are located near many local support meetings and community centers. Residents are encouraged to become involved in the local sober community. The first year after treatment is the most crucial year in someone’s recovery.

Our Story

Recovery Retreats

We look forward to joining your on your road to recovery and cannot wait to get to know you!